Como See Cadenabbia1.585 m2
Zimmer20.638,97 m2
Grundfläche$ 15.000.000,00
This 1904 villa on the western part of Lake Como stands across the water from Bellagio, Como. Located on a natural shelf on the lake, the villa is entirely surrounded by lush greenery. A courtyard entrance is embellished with a fountain and sculptures. The Renaissance-era architecture characterizes the facade. The building is on two floors and a basement. A lookout tower offers breathtaking views.
At a glance:
-Interior: 1.585 sqm
-Exterior: 5.1 acres
-Bedrooms: 12
-Bathrooms: 8
-Private dock with 145 sqm
-Outhouse with 95 sqm
-Caldarium spa
-Closest airport: Milan 88km
Real estate: $15.000.000
For questions or in order to arrange a viewing, please contact Miss Guelmami at 0043 676 40 60 310 or at ines.guelmami@stadtquartier.at
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